November 2, 2005, 9:00 a.m.

Capitol Extension, Room E1.010, Austin, Texas 78701

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ralph Wayne, Chair; Cullen R. Looney, Vice Chair; Raymond R. “Tripp” Davenport, III; Ross Fischer; Tom Harrison; Francisco Hernandez; Wales H. Madden, III; and David Montagne.


STAFF PRESENT: Natalia L. Ashley, William Calem, Margie Castellanos, Todd Crosby, Sue Edwards, Sharon Finley, Jeanine Hudson, Jason King, Becky Levy, Bobby Mannas, Kristin Newkirk, David A. Reisman, Nadina Rose, Theresa Schwindt, Amy Simms, Tim Sorrells, Ian M. Steusloff, and Mary Young.


This meeting was tape recorded. These minutes are a summary record of the Commission's actions at the meeting. For a detailed record of discussions and statements made by persons speaking at the meeting, please consult the audio tapes on file at the Commission's office.

Agenda Item 1: Call to order; roll call.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Wayne. David A. Reisman, Executive Director, called the roll. All Commissioners were present.

Agenda Item 2: Comments by the commissioners.


Agenda Item 3: Comments by the executive director.

David A. Reisman, Executive Director, made the following comments:

1. The Legislative Budget Board notified the Ethics Commission that Ms. Natasha Rozoski has replaced Jack Mason as the Texas Ethics Commission’s liaison. Mr. Reisman introduced Ms. Rozoski to the Commission.

2. Mr. Reisman introduced Nadina Rose, new programmer in the Computer Services Division.

3. Staff spoke at a joint ethics conference with the LBJ School, at the Attorney General’s Conference, and at the Secretary of State’s conferences for election administrators and local officials. Staff will be speaking to the management of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the Montgomery County Bar Association.

4. Commissioners have received a handout titled “Legislative Budget Board Fee Survey.” Article IX of the General Appropriations Act requires the agency to submit a report by November 1, 2005, on the fees, penalties, and fines collected. In the 2005 legislative session, Senator Ogden asked the Ethics Commission for this information.

Commissioner Madden requested Mr. Reisman to calculate for the commissioners for the next meeting, how many individual fines were included in the total amount of $214,000 that was collected.

5. The Ethics Commission has purchased a disk duplicator for $6,000, which has been used to duplicate lobby software for a savings of approximately $2,600.

6. Designated staff and the Texas Building and Procurement Commission met to remedy the problem of customers not receiving mail in a reasonable time frame. Mail is now being delivered in one to three days at a significant cost savings to the agency. Approximately $800 was saved in mailing the lobby software diskettes using this new mail procedure, which was recommended by Sharon Finley, Computer Services Director, and staff of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission.

7. Mr. Reisman stated that this is Chair Wayne’s last day as chair and expressed his appreciation for his leadership.

8. Chair Wayne, Vice Chair Looney, and David Reisman spoke at the Professional Advocacy Association of Texas’ conference.

Agenda Item 4: Communication to the commission from the public.


Agenda Item 5: Approve minutes of the September 9, 2005, meeting.

Motion by Commissioner Madden to adopt the September 9, 2005, meeting minutes; second by Commissioner Harrison. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes.

Agenda Item 6: Presentation of the Nominating Committee report regarding the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the Ethics Commission.

Commissioner Montagne stated that the committee unanimously nominated Cullen Looney for Chair and Tripp Davenport for Vice Chair. Chair Wayne stated that the rules state that the elections are to be held after November 19th so those two names will be put forth from the nominating committee at the January 2006 meeting.

Agenda Item 7: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the operating budget of the Texas Ethics Commission; William Calem, Director of Administration, Chief Fiscal Officer.

William Calem briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt the 2006 operating budget in the amount of $1,855,117; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes.

Agenda Item 8: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the adoption of local government conflict disclosure forms as required in H.B. 914, 79th Leg., Regular Session.

David Reisman briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Commissioner Harrison to adopt the local government conflict disclosure forms as amended with the addition of the criminal penalties; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes.

For Agenda Items 9 and 10, the following represents the actions taken by the Ethics Commission in the order they occurred during the meeting.

Agenda Item 9: Briefing, discussion, and possible action to waive or reduce certain penalties assessed for late filing of campaign finance reports, lobby reports, or personal financial statements.

1. Alfredo Flores, Jr., Candidate, State Representative (00051891)

Report: special session report due August 19, 2005
Penalty: $500

2. Merrill L. Hartman, District Judge (00020089)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

3. Katherine Cave Patrick, State Seed and Plant Board (00035572)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

4. Arthur Val Perkins, Lobbyist (00013729)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Harrison to accept staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties for Agenda Item 9, numbers 1 through 4; second by Commissioner Montagne. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties is adopted for Agenda Item 9, numbers 1 through 4.

5. Susan Delgado, Candidate, State Senator (00056011)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

6. William E. Hickman, Treasurer, Project Deliver the Vote PAC (00055931)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

7. James Kerr, Treasurer, Republican Club of Bee County PAC (00018747)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Madden to accept staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties on Agenda Item 9, numbers 5 through 7; second by Commissioner Harrison. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties is adopted for Agenda Item 9, numbers 5 through 7.

8. Therese M. Baer, On-Site Wastewater Treatment Research Council (00037782)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

Ms. Baer spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 9, number 8.

9. Patrice Dyson Jones, Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (00055697)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500

10. Frank D. Sandoval, Jr., State Board of Nurse Examiners (00039450)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

11. R. H. Stevens, Jr., Texas A & M University System Board of Regents (00039972)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

12. Sheila M. Tello, Texas State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists (00054497)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Hernandez to accept staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties for Agenda Item 9, numbers 8 through 12; second by Commissioner Davenport. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties is adopted for Agenda Item 9, numbers 8 through 12.

13. Joe W. Arnold, Treasurer, Southeast Texas Democrats (00051396)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

14. Mary Alice Baker, Ph.D., Teacher Retirement System of Texas (00041378)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

15. Christopher D. Bowers, Lobbyist (00053148)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

16. Nathan A. East, Treasurer, San Patricio Republican Party (00055925)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

17. Glenn Fuller, Treasurer, Plumbers PAC (00053204)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

18. Linda Griggs, Treasurer, Bivins for Senate Committee (00016445)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

19. Robert E. Johnson, Jr., Treasurer, Gulf Greyhound Partners and Employees PAC (00026064)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

20. Jack DeVere Ladd, State Securities Board (00015296)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500

21. Borris L. Miles, Candidate, State Representative (00052983)

Report: special session report due August 19, 2005
Penalty: $500

22. Becky Oliver, Treasurer, San Antonio Builders PAC I (00015657)

Report: monthly report due September 6, 2005
Penalty: $500

23. Becky Oliver, Treasurer, San Antonio Builders PAC II (00016007)

Report: monthly report due September 6, 2005
Penalty: $500

24. Gary P. Pearson, Lobbyist (00013244)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

Agenda Item 9, number 24 is withdrawn at the filer’s request.

25. Rey Perez, Senior District Judge (00020500)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500

26. Laura Salinas, Candidate, State Representative (00057400)

Report: special session report due August 19, 2005
Penalty: $500

27. Tom Spilman, Lobbyist (00013171)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

28. Craig Tounget, Lobbyist (00013800)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

29. Michael Warner, Lobbyist (00050826)

Report: lobby activities report due June 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

30. Don Zimmerman, Candidate, State Representative (00054023)

Report: special session report due August 19, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Harrison to adopt staff’s recommendation not to waive the late-filing penalties for Agenda Item 9, numbers 13 through 23, and 25 through 30; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes on Agenda Item 9, numbers 13 through 23, and numbers 25 through 29, and by a vote of seven ayes on Agenda Item 9, number 30. Commissioner Davenport recused himself on Agenda Item 9, number 30. Staff recommendation is adopted on Agenda Item 9, numbers 13 through 23, and 25 through 30.

31. Brigido H. Mireles, Treasurer, Citizens for Diversity in Leadership Roles (00053454)

Report: 8-day pre-election report due April 29, 2005
Penalty: $2,800
Staff recommendation: reduction of the late-filing penalty to $100

Motion by Commissioner Montagne to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 9, number 31; second by Commissioner Hernandez. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff recommendation is adopted on Agenda Item 9, number 31, to reduce the late-filing penalty to $100.

32. Kelton G. Seliger, State Senator (00052862)

Report: special session report due August 19, 2005
Penalty: $500
Staff recommendation: reduction of the late-filing penalty to $250

Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 9, number 32; second by Commissioner Hernandez. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes on Agenda Item 9, number 32. Commissioner Madden recused himself. Staff recommendation is adopted on Agenda Item 9, number 32, to reduce the late-filing penalty to $250.

34. John M. Moore, Texas Incentive And Productivity Commission (00038377)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500
Previous violations: April 2003 (report filed May 8, 2003; fine not paid)

Mr. Moore spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 9, number 34.

Motion by Commissioner Harrison not to waive the $100 late-filing penalty for the report due April 2003 and to waive the $500 late-filing penalty for the report due May 2, 2005; second by Commissioner Fischer. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes on Agenda Item 9, number 34. Late-filing penalty not waived on the $100 late-filing penalty for the report due April 2003 and waived on the $500 late-filing penalty for the report due May 2, 2005.

33. Malcolm J. Deason, Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (00054082)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Vice Chair Looney to waive the late-filing penalty; second by Commissioner Montagne. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Davenport was off the dais. Late-filing penalty waived on Agenda Item 9, number 33.

35. Raymond T. Meza, Upper Colorado River Authority (00050448)

Report: personal financial statement due May 2, 2005
Penalty: $500
Previous violations: personal financial statement due April 30, 2004 (report filed October 25, 2005; fine paid)

Motion by Commissioner Harrison to waive the late-filing penalty for the report due in April 2004 and refund the money and waive the late-filing penalty for the report due in 2005; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Fischer was off the dais. Late-filing penalty waived and refunded on Agenda Item 9, number 35, for the report due in 2004, and the late-filing penalty waived for the report due May 2, 2005.

36. Dwight L. Phifer, District Judge (00041425)

Report: personal financial statement due July 1, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Madden not to waive the late-filing penalty; second by Commissioner Harrison. Motion passed by
a vote of six ayes. Chair Wayne voted no. Vice Chair Looney was off the dais. Late-filing penalty not waived on Agenda Item 9, number 36.

37. Bart Standley, Treasurer, Campaign for Houston (00037915)

Reports: semiannual reports due July 15, 2002, January 15, 2003, and July 15, 2003
Penalty: $100 (each)

Reports: semiannual reports due January 15, 2004, July 15, 2004, January 18, 2005, and July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500 (each)

Motion by Commissioner Madden to reduce the total fines to $500 to be paid within 30 days, with a certified letter informing the filer that the commission has requested he pay the outstanding fines, and if not paid, then the commission will consider raising the fines and refer the filer to the Attorney General’s Office for collection on Agenda Item 9, number 37; second by Vice Chair Looney. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Davenport voted no. A total of $500 for the late-filing penalties is adopted on Agenda Item 9, number 37, along with a certified letter informing the filer that the commission has requested he pay the outstanding fines, and if not paid, then the commission will consider raising the fines and referring the filer to the Attorney General’s Office for collection.

Agenda Item 10: Briefing, discussion, and possible action to waive or reduce late-filing penalties in connection with certain corrected reports or to determine whether certain corrected reports as originally filed substantially complied with the applicable law.

1. Lee Ann Alexander, Lobbyist (00038607)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

2. James A. Baker, IV, Treasurer, Baker Botts Amicus Fund (00016408)

Report: monthly report due August 5, 2005
Penalty: $500

3. Trey J. Blocker, Lobbyist (00055627)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

4. Jeff W. Bonham, Lobbyist (00038905)

Report: lobby activities report due January 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

5. Martin Braddy, District Attorney (00054526)

Reports: 8-day pre-election report due March 1, 2004; semiannual reports due July 15, 2004 and January 18, 2005
Penalty: $10,000 (each)

6. Sabrina T. Brown, Lobbyist (00038968)

Report: lobby registration update filed May 17, 2005
Penalty: $500

7. Gene F. Fisseler, Treasurer, Reliant Energy, Inc. Political Action Committee (00015574)

Report: monthly report due August 5, 2005
Penalty: $500

8. Jerry M. Fuentes, Lobbyist (00012967)

Report: lobby activities report due July 11, 2005
Penalty: $500

9. Ana E. Hernandez, Candidate, State Representative (00057411)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

10. Russell T. Kelley, Lobbyist (00013737)

Report: lobby activities report due July 11, 2005
Penalty: $500

11. Carol McGarah, Lobbyist (00051437)

Report: lobby activities report due July 11, 2005
Penalty: $500

12. Gretchen Munday, Treasurer, Austin Republican Women’s Club (00015789)

Report: 10th day after campaign treasurer termination report filed September 23, 2005
Penalty: $500

13. Gary P. Pearson, Lobbyist (00013244)

Report: lobby activities report due July 11, 2005
Penalty: $500

14. Donna M. Titzman, Treasurer, Valero Energy Corporation PAC (00015540)

Report: monthly report due September 6, 2005
Penalty: $500

15. Eric Trainer, Treasurer, Concerned Citizens of Hometown NRH (00057218)

Report: monthly report due July 5, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Commissioner Montagne to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 10, numbers 1 through 15; second by Commissioner Davenport. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation is adopted on Agenda Item 10, numbers 1 through 15, that the original reports substantially complied with the applicable law.

16. Jo C. Black, Treasurer, Fort Worth Citizens for Responsible Government (00055385)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

17. Stacy Schmitt, Lobbyist (00053553)

Report: lobby activities report due June 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

18. William A. Smith, Jr., Candidate, State Representative (00057036)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

19. Jeri Stone, Lobbyist (00013775)

Report: lobby activities report due August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500

Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 10, numbers 16 through 19; second by Commissioner Hernandez. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation to waive the late-filing penalties is adopted on Agenda Item 10, numbers 16 through 19.

21. James Odom, Lobbyist (00052410)

Report: lobby activities reports due December 10, 2003, January 10, 2005, April 11, 2005, May 10, 2005, June 10, 2005, July 11, 2005, and August 10, 2005
Penalty: $500 (each)

Mr. Odom spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 10, number 21.

Motion by Commissioner Harrison to waive the late-filing penalties for Agenda Item 10, number 21; second by Commissioner Davenport. Motion passed by a vote of eight. Late-filing penalties waived on Agenda Item 10, number 21.

20. Rebecca Cox, Treasurer, Continental Airlines Inc. Employee Fund For a Better America (00034556)

Report: monthly report due May 5, 2005
Penalty: $500
Staff recommendation: reduction of late-filing penalty to $100

Motion by Commissioner Montagne to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 10, number 20; second by Commissioner Davenport. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff recommendation to reduce the late-filing penalty to $100 is adopted for Agenda Item 10, number 20.

22. Alma A. Allen, State Representative (00019673)

Report: semiannual report due July 15, 2005
Penalty: $500

Representative Allen spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 10, number 22.

Motion by Commissioner Madden to waive the late-filing penalty on Agenda Item 10, number 22; second by Vice Chair Looney. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Late-filing penalty waived on Agenda Item 10, number 22.

23. Jacque P. Fuller, Treasurer, River Oaks Area Democratic Women (00037876)

Report: monthly report due June 6, 2005
Penalty: $500

Ms. Moroney, President of the River Oaks Area Democratic Women, spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 10, number 23.

Motion by Vice Chair Looney to waive the late-filing penalty on Agenda Item 10, number 23; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Late-filing penalty waived on Agenda Item 10, number 23.

Agenda Item 11: Discussion and possible action regarding the termination of campaign treasurer appointments of inactive candidates and inactive political committees.

1. Elizabeth C. Jandt (00019308)

2. Mario Garcia (00020083)

3. Chloe N. Daniel (00020140)

4. William E. Grisham (00020280)

5. Victor Smith (00020656)

6. Melva Washington-Becnel (00020928)

7. Richard N. Draheim (00021124)

8. Donald J. Large (00055008)

9. Central Texas PAC Centre Development, Darwin McKee (00015824) (withdrawn)

10. Unity 94 El Paso County, G. Daniel Mena (00015937)

11. Equity Under All Law, Alfred Adask (00016637)

12. Grayson County Democratic Party PAC, Fred Lehmann (00016791)

13. McLennan County Mexican Americans for Better Government PAC, Vidal G. DeLeon (00016840)

14. Friends of Education, Keith Hogan (00016918)

15. Pleasant Wood Pleasant Grove, H. J. Johnson (00017115)

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt staff’s recommendation on Agenda Item 11, numbers 1 through 8, and 10 through 15; second by Commissioner Fischer. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Staff’s recommendation is adopted on Agenda Item 11, numbers 1 through 8, and 10 through 15, to terminate the campaign treasurer appointments of inactive candidates and inactive political committees.

Agenda Item 12: AOR 527: Whether a non-judicial officeholder who is seeking a judicial office is required to file a single campaign finance report combining both non-judicial and judicial activity.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt staff’s recommendation on the second proposed draft opinion; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. AOR 527 is adopted as Ethics Advisory Opinion No. 465.

Agenda Item 13: SP 9: Personal financial disclosure statement reporting requirements in regard to making or receiving a referral for compensation for legal services.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Commissioner Hernandez to adopt staff’s recommendation; second by Vice Chair Looney. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. SP 9 is adopted as Ethics Advisory Opinion No. 466.

Agenda Item 14: Public discussion and possible action on the proposal and publication in the Texas Register of an amendment to Ethics Commission Rule § 18.23 (Administrative Waiver of Fine). The amendment would extend the reasons for which the executive director may administratively waive a late fine assessed in connection with a personal financial statement.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to adopt staff’s recommendation to publish Ethics Commission Rule § 18.23 as amended in the Texas Register; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Montagne was off the dais. Ethics Commission Rule § 18.23 and amendment to be published in the Texas Register for comments.

Agenda Item 15: Public discussion and possible action on the proposal and publication in the Texas Register of an amendment to Ethics Commission Rules §§ 6.5 (Authority to Adopt Rules) and 8.3(b) (Subject of an Advisory Opinion).

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Jack Gullahorn, Professional Advocacy Association of Texas, and Ed Shack, attorney, spoke before the commission on Agenda Item 15. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to publish Ethics Commission Rule § 6.5 in the Texas Register as amended with the word “directly;” second by Commissioner Harrison. Amendment to the amendment motion by Commissioner Davenport not to include the word “directly;” second by Commissioner Montagne. Motion failed by a vote of four ayes on the amendment to the amendment not to include the word “directly.” Chair Wayne, Vice Chair Looney, Commissioners Harrison and Hernandez voted no. Amended motion to include the word “directly” and to publish in the Texas Register passed by a vote of eight ayes. No action taken on Ethics Commission Rule § 8.3(b). Ethics Commission Rule § 6.5 as amended to include the word “directly” to be published in the Texas Register for comment.

Agenda Item 16: Public discussion and possible action on the proposal and publication in the Texas Register of a rule and amendments to Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.434 (Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees), 20.417 (Termination Report), 20.431 (Monthly Reporting), and 20.441 (Contents of Dissolution Report). The rule and the amendments clarify the alternative reporting requirement for general-purpose committees set out in H.B. 1664, 79th Leg., Regular Session.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Commissioner Madden to publish Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.434, 20.417, 20.431, and 20.441 in the Texas Register; second by Commissioner Montagne. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes. Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.434, 20.417, 20.431, and 20.441 and amendments to be published in the Texas Register for comments.

Agenda Item 17: Public discussion and possible action on the proposal and publication in the Texas Register of amendments to Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.553 (County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures Totaling $5,000 or Less) and 20.555 (County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures That Exceed $5,000) relating to the thresholds triggering county executive committees to file a campaign treasurer appointment and campaign finance reports. The rules reflect changes pursuant to H.B. 1647, 79th Leg., Regular Session.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Vice Chair Looney to publish Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.553 and 20.555 in the Texas Register; second by Commissioner Fischer. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Madden voted no. Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.553 and 20.555 and amendments to be published in the Texas Register for comments.

Agenda Item 18: Public discussion and possible action on the proposal and publication in the Texas Register of the repeal of Ethics Commission Rule § 22.25 (Maintenance of Political Contributions in Bank Accounts) relating to the maintenance of political contributions in bank accounts.

Natalia L. Ashley, General Counsel, briefed the commission on this agenda item. Motion by Commissioner Hernandez to publish Ethics Commission Rule § 22.25 in the Texas Register; second by Commissioner Davenport. Motion passed by a vote of seven ayes. Commissioner Madden voted no. Ethics Commission Rule § 22.25 to be published in the Texas Register for comments.

Agenda Item 19: Adjourn.

Motion by Commissioner Hernandez to adjourn; second by Commissioner Madden. Motion passed by a vote of eight ayes.