Texas Ethics Commission

October '98 8B Report of Contributions and Expenditures - Totals
Part I: 00-MZ

100 Plus PAC                                                00028709
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

1960 Area Democrats                                         00038817
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $180.90

21st Century Democrats                                      00031514
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,955.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $2,200.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,637.36

6th District Republican Association                         00017232
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$10,667.74
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $28,735.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $17,693.40

Abbott, Gregg                                               00019652
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

ABC Group                                                   00038359
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $70,250.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $21,092.89

Abilene PAC                                                 00039020
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,115.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,265.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,200.00

Aboussie, Marilyn                                           00019006
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,140.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $33,171.14
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $40,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $25.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $45,405.73

Adams, Kent M.                                              00019657
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,241.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $144,300.19
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $27,300.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $66,046.82

Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. PAC                      00016590
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/22/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ag Air PAC                                                  00016365
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $70.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,560.00

AIM Management Group Inc. For A Better America              00016786
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,700.00

Air Conditioning Council Of Greater Houston                 00016674
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld Texas Civic Action        00016923
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $1,766.69
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,250.00

Alamo City Campaign Committee                               00015898
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,163.53
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,263.53
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Alamo PAC Republican Legislative Defenders                  00037807
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,150.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,460.00

Alexander, Clyde H.                                         00019665
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $98,070.47
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $54,346.49

Allen, Robert R. "Ray"                                      00019678
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $395.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $16,120.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $56.28
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,754.15

Alliance Of Dallas Educators United Teachers PAC            00016492
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $887.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,012.80
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $500.00

Alvis, John M.                                              00037345
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

American Airlines PAC                                       00016651
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$8,415.01
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $24,128.35
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $31,634.00

American Bank Texas PAC                                     00016207
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $400.00

American Collectors Assn. Of Texas PAC                      00017304
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $600.00

American Insurance Assn. PAC                                00016560
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,750.00

Andries, Jack D.                                            00037502
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $120.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $120.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of          $40.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $65.30
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $283.10

Angelini, Karen A.                                          00034276
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $23,312.37
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $29,736.40

Angleton Republican Women's PAC Fund                        00016031
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Angwin, Mike                                                00037577
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ann Richards Committee                                      00015471
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Apartment Assn. Of Central Texas PAC                        00016121
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Apartment Assn. Of Greater Dallas PAC                       00016482
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $525.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $23,155.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,750.00

Apartment Assn. Of Southeast Texas PAC                      00016576
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/03/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $250.00

Apartment Assn. Of Tarrant County PAC                       00015762
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,137.50

Apollo Group, Inc. Texas PAC                                00034213
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Aquila Gas Pipeline Corporation Employee PAC                00024901
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $284.62
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,500.00

Aransas County Democratic Women                             00016170
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $226.50
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $226.50
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $52.42
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,226.47

Aransas County Republican Organization                      00015674
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $145.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $545.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $76.79
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $781.38

Area #5 Democratic Club                                     00015843
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $144.85
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $647.71

Arlington Republican Club PWR PAC                           00016952
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,300.00

Armbrister, Kenneth                                         00019704
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $95,841.40
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $91,928.16

Armstrong, Don R.                                           00037384
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $33,660.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $37,847.00

Associated Builders & Contractors Of Greater Houston PAC    00017302
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $750.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,250.00

Associated Builders & Contractors Of North Texas, Inc. PAC  00015532
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $180.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Associated Builders & Contractors State PAC                 00028329
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc., Texas Coastal Bend 00028200
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00

Associated General Contractors Of Jefferson County PAC      00016601
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Associated General Contractors Of Texas PAC                 00016409
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,775.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $23,450.00

Associated Republicans Of Texas Campaign Fund               00015555
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,625.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $153,895.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $257,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $306,059.13

Association Of Fire & Casualty Cos. Of Texas PAC            00017277
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,200.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,000.00

Austin Chapter Associated General Contractors PAC           00015599
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,790.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $700.00

Austin Federation Of Teachers/Allied Education Workers PAC  00031918
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,325.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Austin Fire Fighters PAC                                    00015617
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $893.65
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $893.65
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus PAC                     00016745
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $180.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $280.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,900.00

Auto Insurance PAC                                          00038264
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $31,100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $29,000.00

Automotive Service Assn. Of Texas PAC                       00017326
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Automotive Wholesalers Of Texas PAC                         00017365
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Averitt, Kip                                                00019725
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $54,905.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $29,213.65

Baird, Charles F. "Charlie"                                 00021113
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,385.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $38,746.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $3,236.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $142.70
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $227,131.20

Baker & Hostetler PAC                                       00024776
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ballard, Donna                                              00026395
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,775.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $33,194.25
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $5,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $399.95
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $107,484.01

Bank One, Texas, N. A. Good Government Committee            00016107
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $44,250.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $44,250.00

Baptist Ministers Assn. Of Houston & Vicinity PAC           00018745
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$7,850.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,850.00

Barron, Gene R.                                             00032676
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $11,825.20
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $485.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,836.22

Bastrop County Republican League                            00038235
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $485.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,352.17
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $873.43

Bay Area Republican Women PAC                               00034370
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00
Bayou PAC                                                   00016158
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Bee County Democratic Club                                  00015879
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Bee County Republican Women PAC                             00018747
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $509.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,009.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $29.77
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,893.15

Beer Wholesalers PAC Of Harris County                       00015767
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,500.00

Bell Conservative PAC                                       00018749
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $44.47
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $44.47

Bentley III, Bascom W.                                      00019713
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $275.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,083.32
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $190.63
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,569.81

Bentwood Republican Women PAC                               00016081
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $9.23
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $9.23

Berlanga, Mary H.                                           00019726
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/21/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $325.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Bernsen, David E.                                           00022456
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$5,350.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $200,322.73
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $116,419.81
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized $1,621.67
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $136,981.24

Bexar County Republican Women's Club PAC                    00015597
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Bexar PAC                                                   00016783
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,235.80

Bius, Walter B. "Ben"                                       00035933
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $139,132.53
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $40,708.28
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $244.29
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $50,358.66

Blomquist, Gustav E. "Emil"                                 00032791
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $50.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $4,100.43
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $99.94

Boehm, Theodora                                             00025362
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $41,013.61
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $13,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $42,781.25

Bohac, Dwayne A.                                            00032585
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $85,549.74
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $58,341.61

Bosse, Fred M.                                              00019791
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $58,682.06
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $403.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $31,333.88

Branton, James L. "Jim"                                     00027932
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $620.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $50,608.04
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $209,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $110,163.43

Brazoria County Republican Party PAC                        00016588
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $50.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,395.28

Bridewell, Dennis W. "Wayne"                                00019833
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,767.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $26,192.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $240.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $11,419.34

Bridges, Kenneth W.                                         00037203
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $250.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,178.01

Brotherhood Of Locomotive Engineers - Texas PAC             00015731
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,400.00

Brown, Betty J.                                             00032403
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $346.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $157,097.01
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $6,150.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $270.24
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $91,559.77

Brown, J. E. "Buster"                                       00019849
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Buffum, Ronald S. "Ron"                                     00037169
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $128,854.45
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $210.74
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $29,109.12

Builders For Brazos County PAC Bryan/College Station        00016892
   Homebuilders Assn.
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Bunch, Michael                                              00033189
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $6,559.55
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $350.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,534.50

Burgess, Don                                                00021118
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$11,100.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $58,695.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $116,405.62

Burleson Area Republican Women                              00015775
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $36.81
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $36.81

Bush, George W.                                             00025028
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Butcher Jr., Allan K.                                       00034040
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $502.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,986.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $600.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $102.77
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $9,295.76

C Club                                                      00015702
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $22,350.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $20,900.34

Cain III, Chap B.                                           00037413
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/23/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $8,150.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $9,234.86
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,860.72

Cain Jr., Hollis H.                                         00032561
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $360.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $14,731.21
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $318.98
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,104.05
Caldwell, Craig D.                                          00037453
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $170.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,670.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $1,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,114.76

Campaign For Republican Leadership                          00032597
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $825.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $41,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $10.75
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,010.75

Capelo Jr., Jaime L.                                        00037349
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $22,535.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $17,678.41

Capital Area Trial Lawyers Assn. PAC                        00016244
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $325.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $11,250.00

Career Colleges & Schools Of Texas                          00016001
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $878.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $6,845.25
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Carl A. Parker PAC                                          00032016
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $48,100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $20,391.20

Cash America International, Inc. PAC                        00018754
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,211.96
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,000.00

Celanese Ticona Texas PAC                                   00016313
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $999.02
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $999.02
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $600.00

Central Texas Pharmacy Network PAC                          00037101
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $300.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $250.00

Chambers, Les R.                                            00037456
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $5.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $12,518.34
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $7,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,886.71

Chevron Employees Texas PAC                                 00016182
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,900.00

Christian, Walter W. "Wayne"                                00032395
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $66,034.02
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $12,931.75
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $19,121.71

Christian, Walter W. "Wayne"                                00032395
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $66,034.02
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $12,931.75
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $19,121.71

Circle C PAC                                                00037910
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,590.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,190.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $36.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,761.00

CITA PAC                                                    00033893
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $513.84
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $513.84

Citizens For Alec Rhodes                                    00025717
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $42.60
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $66,913.31
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $88,700.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $100.22
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $72,963.25

Citizens For American Restoration                           00016807
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Citizens For Ehrhardt                                       00025489
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $20,355.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $457.29
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $16,087.81

Citizens For Fiscal Responsibility In Education             00032030
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $39.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $658.17
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $39.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $39.00

Citizens For Responsible Government                         00038696
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/03/1998 - 11/03/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $100.00

Citizens For Responsible Government of Trinity County       00038624
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $403.37
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,900.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,069.47

Citizens For Texas Committee                                00016051
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00

Clark, Ronald H. "Ron"                                      00031633
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $68.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $7,824.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,798.07

Cleo Bohls PAC                                              00015567
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/02/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $25.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Coastal Bend Labor Council COPE Committee                   00028748
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $9.80
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $9.80

Coastal Conservation Assn. PAC                              00015834
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,075.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $50,750.00

Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Employee Nonpartisan Committee  00017253
   For Good Gov't
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$18,953.17
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $23,954.35
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $53,798.00

Cochran Jr., Winston E.                                     00019968
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $176.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,126.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $4,200.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $281.01
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,507.47

Coffelt, Charlotte H.                                       00037370
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $425.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,400.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $8,214.79
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,296.12

Columbia/HCA Tx Good Government Fund                        00031590
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $663.26
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,906.26
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Comal County Democrats                                      00015833
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/29/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $640.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,092.69

Combs, Susan                                                00019086
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Committee For A Qualified Judiciary                         00016231
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00
Committee For Craig Eiland                                  00025731
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $87,940.31
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $48,044.34

Committee For Judicial Reform                               00016240
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $11,372.44

Committee For Public Safety Fort Worth Police Officer's     00015556
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $754.06
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Committee For Responsible Representation                    00024369
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,914.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $74,578.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $92.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $24,173.00

Committee To Elect David L. Farabee                         00036507
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,515.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $46,452.59
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $127.57
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $36,625.17

Committee To Elect George Ellis                             00015735
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $88.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,188.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $86.84
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,626.76

Compass Bancshares, Inc. PAC                                00018757
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$13,896.66
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $42,892.62
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $198,750.00

Concho Valley Republican Women's Club PAC                   00017039
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $314.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $314.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $130.00

Conservative Republicans Of Harris County PAC               00028384
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $83,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $46,721.36

Conservative Voters League Of Ellis County                  00034178
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Constitutional Defense Fund                                 00032352
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $25,750.00

Contractors PAC                                             00015573
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $23,150.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $18,500.00

Cook III, Robert L. "Robby"                                 00032748
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,050.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $46,188.36
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $38,417.63

Cooke County Republican Women PAC                           00017103
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/03/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Cooper & Scully, P.C. Judicial Fund                         00027581
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $100.00

Coopers & Lybrand PAC Texas                                 00031975
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Cornyn III, John                                            00020031
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Corpus Christi American Federation Of Teachers COPE         00016377
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $949.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $949.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Corpus Christi Fire Fighters COPE                           00017347
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $598.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Counts, David                                               00019105
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $64,533.09
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $77,479.25

Crown Central Petroleum Texas PAC                           00016068
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $40.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

CSW Communications PAC                                      00037040
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 09/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $302.44
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Dallas Chapter Texas Society Of CPA's PAC                   00015505
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $30,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $26,500.00

Dallas County Council Of Republican Women's Clubs' PAC      00024855
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Dallas Eagle Forum                                          00015498
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,200.00

Dallas Fire Fighters Public Safety Committee                00015649
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $250.00

Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance PAC                           00037802
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $85.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $85.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $70.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $803.62

Dallas Mortgage Bankers Assn. PAC                           00015938
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Danburg, Debra                                              00020137
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$9,910.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $9,910.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized $3,032.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $13,113.41

Daughters Of Liberty PAC                                    00028792
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :          - 
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

David Dewhurst Committee                                    00036671
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                            $3,033,178.07
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of   $4,150,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $317.99
  5. Total Political Expenditures                             $3,050,927.79

Davidson & Troilo Committee For Civic Awareness             00015969
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,550.00

Davis, John E.                                              00036263
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $11,025.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $78,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,803.94
Dayton Hudson Corp. DHCitizens Multistate Forum             00016565
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $20.15
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,519.54
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,500.00

De Alejandro, Rene                                          00037326
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $725.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,894.84
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,497.74

De Leon, Sergio L.                                          00037351
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,500.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $6,085.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $251.31
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,909.74

Del Mar College American Federation Of Teachers PAC         00038304
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $255.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $555.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $827.76

Delk, Mary M.                                               00037467
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,023.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,696.78

Democratic Ellis County Campaign Organization               00016803
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,050.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $467.19

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee                   00038722
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $15,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $15,000.00

Democratic Party Of Bexar County                            00017031
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $345.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,614.91

Democrats In Action                                         00016979
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $478.50
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,128.50
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $652.82

Denny, Mary                                                 00020527
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,225.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $110,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,834.13

Dentists For Perry                                          00038431
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,110.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $24,658.67

Denton County Democratic Club                               00016893
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Denton County Democratic Party                              00016691
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $255.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $906.51
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $906.51

Denton Republican Women's Club General Purpose Political    00015596
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $200.00

Deputy Sheriff's Assn., Of Bexar County PAC                 00015992
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/25/1998 - 11/01/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,075.00

Dewhurst, David H.                                          00036668
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

DeWitt County Republican Party                              00015968
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $45.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $45.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $36.33
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,107.68

DISCUS Texas PAC                                            00032201
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,000.00

Dominguez, Ben                                              00037505
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,470.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $533.21
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,875.85

Driving PAC                                                 00034490
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,600.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,500.00

Duerstine II, Russell L. "Russ"                             00037405
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :          - 
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $360.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $23,950.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $1,575.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $204.98
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $19,356.65

Duke Energy Corp PAC                                        00016191
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,900.00

Easton, Bennett N. "Ben"                                    00037284
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ebner Jr., Fred J.                                          00036602
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $582.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,668.20
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $17.82
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,788.34

Eckerd PAC                                                  00016144
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $208.48
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,900.67
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,050.00

Ector County Republican Men's Club PAC                      00027874
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/22/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $300.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $300.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $100.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,700.00

Educational Health Services PAC                             00034589
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $200.00

Edwards, Al                                                 00019917
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $21,700.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,839.00

Ehrhardt, Harryette                                         00025486
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Eight In Ninty Eight Committee                              00036145
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $205,125.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $10,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $303,628.55

Eiland, Allen C. "Craig"                                    00025069
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

El Paso Apartment Assn. Better Government Fund              00016829
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

El Paso Assn. Of Fire Fighters PAC                          00016882
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $666.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $666.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $800.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00
El Paso County Sheriff's Officers Assn., Inc.               00025141
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,937.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,937.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,750.00

El Paso Municipal Police Officers PAC                       00015526
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,968.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,968.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

El Paso Wholesale Beer Distributors Assn.                   00017269
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $225.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $500.00

Electric Political Involvement Committee                    00016999
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $514.26
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $664.26
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ellis County Republican Women's Club PAC                    00016310
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Ellis, Daniel P. "Dan"                                      00036228
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $225.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $21,510.83
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $15,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $211.03
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $25,172.24

Ellis, George T.                                            00021142
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Emil Pena Interests, Inc. PAC                               00029577
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,250.00

Emmert, Steven R.                                           00037415
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,250.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,710.78

Enoch, Craig T.                                             00019960
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $145,358.70
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $419.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $60,318.51

Enron Corp. PAC, Inc.                                       00016564
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$6,123.51
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $42,167.81
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $59,416.33

Entergy/Gulf States Utilities Company Employees' PAC        00017330
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$5,159.22
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $19,778.88
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $18,200.00

Eoff, Robert M. "Bob"                                       00038987
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,075.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,358.18

Equity PAC                                                  00016559
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $20,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $72.88
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,059.62

Exxon Corp. PAC Of Texas                                    00016934
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,700.00

Fancher, Regenia S.                                         00032663
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $545.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $108,582.27
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $9,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $675.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $34,535.19

Farabee, David L.                                           00036538
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Farrar, Becky S.                                            00021437
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,228.83
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $124,413.76
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $42,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $76.64
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $55,807.35

Fayette County Democrats                                    00015860
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/02/1998 - 10/22/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $122.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $422.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $34.10
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,218.03

Finnell, Charles A.                                         00021150
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Flynn, Dan                                                  00032881
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/07/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $6,198.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $2,808.21
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,376.67

Fort Bend Republican Women's Club PAC                       00015561
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Foundation Appraisers Coalition Of Texas PAC (FACT)         00016772
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $275.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,200.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $2,475.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Founder's Vision PAC                                        00030810
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Four County Council Of Republican Women - PAC               00015958
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Franks, Michael A.                                          00037080
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,720.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $250.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,579.04

Free Enterprise PAC                                         00016508
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $500.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $104,725.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $17.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $107,224.44

Friends Of Carole Keeton Rylander                           00016256
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $389,760.75
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $950,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                             $1,386,530.69

Friends Of Cheryl A. Johnson                                00032652
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,175.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,266.22

Friends Of David Puryear                                    00037428
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $90.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $24,577.79
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $40,343.06

Friends Of Don Wittig                                       00033955
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $13,310.56

Friends Of Kyle Janek                                       00016024
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $54,336.55
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $34,756.73

Friends Of Parker College Of Chiropractic                   00036533
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $675.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,000.00

Friends Of Senator Truan, 20th Senatorial District          00017320
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $93,808.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized $1,481.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $25,781.88

Friends Of Susan Combs Committee                            00016016
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $222,302.56
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $150.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $318,022.86

Friends Of The University Of Houston                        00016689
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $11,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $22,750.00

Friends Of The University PAC                               00017038
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00

Friends Of Tony Garza                                       00037027
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $216,084.41
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $287,485.95

Friesenhahn, William D.                                     00037353
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $161.70
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $759.20
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $15.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,447.27

Fund For The Future Of Texas                                00016710
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,000.00

Fuson, David L.                                             00025793
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $72.86

Galloway, Michael L.                                        00020073
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $90,495.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $328.81
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $164,886.48

Galveston Assn. For Medical Education PAC                   00017210
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Galveston County Democratic Party                           00015825
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $60.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $20,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $21,960.95

Galveston County Democrats Club                             00016834
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $2.50
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,652.50

Garcia, Domingo                                             00033027
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $14,445.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,071.31

Garcia, Edward T. "Ed"                                      00037191
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,230.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,195.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $136.63
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,320.20

Gardere & Wynne, L.L.P. Judicial Fund                       00016108
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,718.75

Gardner Jr., Joseph E.                                      00022104
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Garry Mauro Campaign                                        00015963
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,228.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $511,931.86
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $225,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized $3,117.71
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $583,463.60

Garza Jr., Antonio O.                                       00026545
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Gay Or Lesbian Dollars PAC                                  00038617
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,370.48
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $2,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Get Out The Vote So. Tex                                    00038748
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Gillespie County Republican Women's PAC                     00016087
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,944.48

GINPAC                                                      00015491
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $424.25

Girling PAC                                                 00016136
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $854.08
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $700.00

Glaze, Bob                                                  00020159
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $25,662.24
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,550.76

Glucksmann, K. E.                                           00037506
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,240.00

Golden Corridor Republican Women's Club                     00016916
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $637.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $637.00

Goode, Casseb, Jones, Riklin, Choate & Watson Committee For 00016887
   Responsible Government
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Governor Bush Committee                                     00028262
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                            $1,477,967.36
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                             $2,615,005.08

GPC Associates PAC                                          00033980
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $200.00

Granado, Arthur                                             00037348
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $75.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $450.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $128.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,651.73

Gray, Patricia                                              00020255
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,547.13
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $66,597.13
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $46,202.50

Gray, Thomas W. "Tom"                                       00036453
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,602.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $33,683.59
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $35,500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $36,296.77

Grayson County Democratic Party PAC                         00016791
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,067.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $7,335.50
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $200.27
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,618.32
Greater Dallas Assn. Of Realtors PAC                        00015663
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,000.00

Greater Fort Worth Assn. Of Realtors PAC                    00016629
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 09/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$3,500.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,500.00

Greater Height Democratic Club                              00037874
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,123.05
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,223.05
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $120.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,067.85

Greater Houston Builders Assn. Home PAC                     00015700
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,600.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,750.00

Greater Oak Hill Area PAC Of Hill County Republican Women   00017221
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $50.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Greater Texas Sportsmen's Coalition                         00029293
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $44.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,114.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Green Jr., Richard A. "Rick"                                00036491
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Greene, Steven T.                                           00037381
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $38.60
  2. Total Political Contributions                                   $38.60
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $4,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,274.45

Greyhound Lines PAC                                         00016833
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,176.16
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,236.16
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Guadalupe County Republican Women's Club                    00017289
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,800.00

Gulf Coast                                                  00034416
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $7,650.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Gulf Coast Grocery Assn. Of Texas PAC                       00015546
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $600.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $600.00

Gulf Greyhound Partners And Employees PAC                   00026064
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

H. B. Zachry Co. PAC                                        00017353
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $25.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,825.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $19,150.00

H. Bartell Zachry                                           00016139
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Hagan, Kevin J.                                             00033156
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,313.81
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $1.90
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,315.71

Haggerty, Patrick B.                                        00020333
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $46,189.18
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,416.67

Hankinson, Deborah G.                                       00032349
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $190,578.13
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $309,472.46

Hardcastle, Richard L. "Rick"                               00037238
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $370.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $113,026.75
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $12,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $67,545.81

Harker Heights Committee For Better Government              00017222
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Harris County AFL-CIO Political Action Fund                 00016628
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $22,250.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,027.42

Harris County Council Of Organizations PAC                  00016955
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/02/1998 - 11/02/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Harris PAC                                                  00038319
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,470.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,082.50

Harrison, Ralph K.                                          00036393
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/02/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $400.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $6,487.09
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $6,696.88
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $132.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,033.80

Harrison, Ronnie                                            00020450
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $4.85

Haywood, Tom                                                00020139
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Heart Of Texas PAC                                          00015695
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $430.70
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,100.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Henderson County Republican Women's Club                    00017316
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $880.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $325.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,691.26

Henderson, Joe B.                                           00037438
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $565.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,321.08
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $789.03
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $16,482.44

Heritage Republican Women's Club                            00017349
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $900.00

Hickman, Larry                                              00029393
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $230.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,640.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $15,320.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,659.75

Highland Lakes PAC                                          00034560
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/07/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Highland Lakes Republican Women's Club                      00017097
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Hobby Texas Fund                                            00017248
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $16,000.00

Hobby, Paul                                                 00029494
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $460.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $483,953.06
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of   $2,800,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $552,905.15

Hollywood Marine PAC                                        00017242
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,499.96
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $500.00

HomeBuilders Of Southeast Texas PAC                         00029364
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/03/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Homer, Mark S.                                              00037071
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $22,197.64
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $5,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $46,741.00

Hope, Ruben                                                 00036203
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,450.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $8,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,646.23

Houston Apartment Assn. Better Government Fund              00015547
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $345.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $4,655.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00

Houston B.A.T.T.L.E. PAC                                    00031482
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $80.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $350.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $250.00

Houston Cell. Telephone Co. & Galveston Cell. Telephone Co. 00025002
   Employees' PAC
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $500.00

Houston Chapter Texas Society Of Certified Public           00017321
   Accountants PAC
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $19,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Houston Contractors Assn. PAC                               00016047
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $18,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $13,157.83

Houston County Democratic Club                              00031964
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $38.50
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $108.50

Houston Federation Of Teachers COPE                         00015909
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Houston Pilots PAC Fund                                     00016106
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,275.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $450.00

Houston Professional Fire Fighters Assn. Local #341 PAC     00015754
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $7,707.50
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $12,000.00

Houston Professional Republican Women PAC                   00017015
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,071.42

HUB PAC                                                     00016540
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $13,045.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $12,325.38

Hunt Oil Co. Winona Committee                               00016252
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Hupp, Suzanna G. "Suzy"                                     00032746
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/20/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $480.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $11,153.33
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $64.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,971.65

Hurley, Robert L. "Bob"                                     00037185
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,900.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $9,724.18

Hutchinson County RWC PAC                                   00016494
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $16.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,650.00

Hutson, Geoffrey W.                                         00031658
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $135.00

IBEW Local #716                                             00016437
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $975.64
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,082.52
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,770.33

Independent Automobile Dealers PAC                          00017307
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $900.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,950.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $9,750.00

Independent Bankers Assn. Of Texas PAC                      00016467
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$4,765.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $34,824.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $16.50
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,516.50

Independent Voters For Texas                                00034191
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Indo American PAC                                           00033761
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $250.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,600.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,692.67

Insurance Alliance Of America PAC                           00032015
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $10,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,250.00

Insurance Premium Finance PAC                               00016484
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $2,250.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,250.00

International Bank Of Commerce Comm. For Improvement &      00015975
   Betterment Of The Country
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $8,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,500.00

Irving Republican Women's Club                              00017262
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Jackson, James M. "Mike"                                    00020513
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $65,900.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $81,582.04

Janek, Kyle L.                                              00020534
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Jefferson County Democratic Party                           00016790
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $3,700.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $256.00

Jim Mattox Finance Committee                                00016334
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $819,467.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $5,250.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $108.47
  5. Total Political Expenditures                             $1,836,443.75

Jim Wells County Democratic Party PAC                       00017150
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $409.61
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $409.61

John D. Williams State PAC                                  00016737
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Johnson County Republican Women's PAC                       00015740
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Johnson, Cheryl A.                                          00032609
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Jones, Charles B.                                           00037189
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 09/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $175.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $130,916.54
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $30,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $83,508.12

Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Texas Election Committee         00016624
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Judge Abbott Committee                                      00031088
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $148,120.09
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $677,671.92

JudgePAC                                                    00034587
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $750.00

Junell, Robert A. "Rob"                                     00021151
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,780.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $80,650.87
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $269.89
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $64,584.78

Kaufman County Republican Women PAC                         00035568
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,554.48
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,500.00

KBSA PAC                                                    00016009
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $500.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00
Keasler, Michael E.                                         00020266
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $280.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,847.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $686.53
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,501.12

Ken Armbrister For Senate Campaign                          00016461
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $15.30
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $250.80

Kilgore, Whayland W.                                        00020325
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $28,550.80
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $7,553.82

Kinetic Concepts, Inc. PAC                                  00015504
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $562.24
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $637.24
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

King, Phillip S. "Phil"                                     00036483
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $17,135.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $29,351.53

Kingwood Area Democrats                                     00034278
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/27/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $725.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,385.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $10.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $426.69

Kingwood Area Republican Women's Club                       00015511
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/16/1998 - 11/03/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,804.88

Kinkaid Jr., Robert W.                                      00037262
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $748.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,048.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $11,815.24

Kirby Corp. PAC                                             00016899
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $167.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,000.00

Klein Bank PAC                                              00025546
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $4,000.00

LaBlanche III, George D.                                    00037587
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 11/03/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

LaFont, William H. "Bill"                                   00037266
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $74.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $774.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $6,135.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,549.14

Lake Conroe Area Republican Women PAC                       00033911
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Lake Houston Shores Republican Women's Club                 00016613
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $100.80
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,550.95
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $196.98
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,657.19

Lake Travis Republican PAC                                  00031846
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $55.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $2,098.82
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,000.00

Laney, James E. "Pete"                                      00019422
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $113,871.10
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                               $115,586.23

Larsen, Susan J.                                            00020471
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,713.73
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $14,613.73
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $12,617.12
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $14,432.61

Laster, Michael H. "Mike"                                   00034141
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $705.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $16,944.30
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $1,480.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $13,711.76

Lavaca County Democratic PAC                                00016683
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $27.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                    $27.00

Ledbetter, J. Gayle                                         00036386
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,392.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $750.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $3,824.43

Legend Metroplex Pharmacy Network PAC                       00037099
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $550.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $2,000.00

Legend West Texas Pharmacy Network PAC                      00035995
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/04/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $50.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $400.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Leifeste, Randy C.                                          00037402
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $380.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $126,231.86
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $802.95
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $19,286.92

Lengefeld, David F.                                         00025699
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/26/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized   $17.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $55,147.30
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $30,923.30

Liberty Mutual Insurance Company PAC                        00016481
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $339.10
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $407.10
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Local #527 PAC                                              00016610
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $502.59
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Locke, Purnell, Rain & Harrell State PAC                    00016969
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $36,500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $36,500.00

Lockheed Martin IMS Good Government Committee               00036363
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $6,791.31
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,000.00

Lone Star Leadership Fund                                   00038345
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $13,000.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $125.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,442.04

Lopez, John J.                                              00037496
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $125.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,075.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $120.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,564.91

LP Gas Industries Political Action Group                    00015773
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,300.00

Lumbermen's Assn. Of Texas PAC                              00017309
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/24/1998 - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Luna, Vilma                                                 00020272
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $11,730.15
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $27,434.10

Magic Circle Republican Women's Club Special Fund           00015634
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Marie Baylor Republican Women's Club PAC                    00015515
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $200.00

Mason County Republican Women's Club PAC                    00016436
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :          - 10/23/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Mattox, Jim                                                 00021170
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Mauro, Garry P.                                             00020372
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Maxey, Glen                                                 00021172
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :          - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$22,258.33
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,851.98

McCall, Clifton H. "Terry"                                  00036403
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $175.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,337.78
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $50,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $213.30
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $13,071.15

McGuire, Debra G.                                           00036391
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,697.28
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $141,585.84
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $150,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $208.57
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $64,503.89

MCI- Telecommunications Texas PAC                           00015738
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,473.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $8,000.00

McLaughlin, Scott M.                                        00032593
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $113,634.98
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $24,385.88

McLeroy, Donald J.                                          00037404
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/01/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,390.91
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $25,617.14

McReynolds, James M. "Jim"                                  00032587
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $515.72
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $18,030.72
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $25,147.16

Merichem PAC                                                00015842
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                   $100.00

Messina, Clifford L.                                        00033097
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :01/03/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Metrocrest Republican Club PAC                              00015800
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/01/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$1,870.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $5,005.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $10,984.00

Metroplex Republican Women's Club                           00016635
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/05/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                  $500.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of         $500.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Metropolitan Republican Women's Club                        00015549
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :07/15/1998 - 10/26/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Meyers, Lawrence E.                                         00020530
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of     $113,673.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Midlanders For Rene Nunez                                   00038970
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/18/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Miller, Jack R.                                             00020548
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,050.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of       $7,000.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $36.32
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $5,591.62

Mitchell Energy & Development PAC                           00016353
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $179.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $1,040.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $1,500.00

Mitchell, Norbon E. "Gene"                                  00037392
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :10/06/1998 - 10/25/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized    $0.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                    $0.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized     $0.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                     $0.00

Moore, Mary M.                                              00034978
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$2,480.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                              $194,395.45
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of      $86,450.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized   $191.00
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $97,109.25

Morgan, James E.                                            00019363
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized  $200.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                                $3,375.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $45.93
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                 $6,771.14

Morrison, Geanie W.                                         00032386
  Report Due Date:10/26/1998
  Period Covered :09/25/1998 - 10/24/1998
  1. Total Political Contributions of $50 or less, unless itemized$3,829.00
  2. Total Political Contributions                               $32,784.00
  3. Total Amount of Oustanding Loans as of the last day of           $0.00
     the reporting period
  4. Total Political Expenditures of $50 or less, unless itemized    $72.44
  5. Total Political Expenditures                                $36,447.13

8B Report Part II
