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Campaign Finance


  1. Frequently Asked Questions For Candidates
  2. Frequently Asked Questions For Political Committees
  3. Frequently Asked Questions About the 2024 Elections

Helpful Information

  1. What to Know Before Applying for a Place on a Ballot
  2. Code of Fair Campaign Practices
  3. Filing a Treasurer Appointment
  4. Filing a Report Late
  5. Find Your Incumbent
  6. List of Candidates
  7. Personal Use of Political Contributions
  8. Political Committees Making Contributions
  9. Reporting Credit Card Charges (Schedule F4)
  10. Reporting Expenses From Personal Funds
  11. Reporting Staff Reimbursement
  12. Reporting Total Contributions Maintained
  13. Reporting Purpose of Political Expenditure
  14. Statewide Elected Officials


  1. Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and Officeholders Who File with Texas Ethics Commission (2024 | 2023)
  2. Campaign Finance Guide for Judicial Candidates and Officeholders (2024 | 2023)
  3. Campaign Finance Guide for Political Committees (2024 | 2023)
  4. Campaign Finance Guide for Out-of-State Committee Guide (2024 | 2023)
  5. Campaign Finance Guide for Political Parties (2024 | 2023)
  6. A Guide to the Use of the Legislative Per Diem Set by the Texas Ethics Commission (PDF | HTML)
  7. Guidelines for Forming a Legislative Caucus (HTML)

Important Dates

  1. Filing Schedules
  2. Moratorium on Contributions
  3. Judicial Campaign Fundraising Period: 2024 Elections

Local Filer Info

  1. Where Do I File?
  2. Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and Officeholders Who File With Local Filing Authorities (2024 | 2023)
  3. City Candidate Guide (PDF)

Laws & Regulations

  1. Texas Ethics Commission Title 15, Election Code
  2. Texas Ethics Commission Rules (PDF)
  3. Chapter 302 of the Government Code: Speaker of the House of Representatives (HTML)