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Steps to Follow if You Missed a Filing Deadline

You missed the filing deadline if:

You have the option to request a waiver or reduction of an assessed penalty for filing your report late. You can do this by submitting an Affidavit of Defense to your filing authority. The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) considers every Affidvait of Defense submitted to the Commission AFTER the specific report is filed.

STEP 1: Fill out an Affidavit of Defense (to raise a defense to late filing). To fill out this affidavit on your computer, click here
State the name of the report that you filed late and state the due date for that report. Explain the circumstances that prevented you from filing your report on time. Request a waiver or reduction of assessed penalties if this is what you are requesting.

STEP 2: Have your affidavit notarized OR fill out the unsworn declation.

STEP 3: Using one of the two methods below, deliver your completed Affidavit of Defense to the Texas Ethics Commission.

After TEC receives your Affidavit of Defense and after you have filed the report in question, the Texas Ethics Commission will consider your request. You will be notified of the Commission's decision.