Date Adopted |
Effective Date |
Section |
Rule Title |
Keywords |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.2 |
Disclosure of Financial Activity |
Personal financial statement, financial activity, spouse, dependent child, factual control |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.3 |
PFS Required for Each Year of Service |
Personal financial statement, required |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.9 |
Exchange Traded Funds and Real Estate Investment Trusts |
Personal financial statement, exchange traded funds, ETFs, Real Estate Investment Trusts, REITs |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.11 |
Publicly Traded Corporation as Source of Income |
Personal financial statement, corporation, publicly traded, income |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.13 |
Beneficial Interest in Real Property Includes Real Property Held in a Trust |
Personal financial statement, real property, beneficial interest, trust |
12/03/2024 |
01/12/2025 |
40.15 |
Identification of the Source of Rents Derived from Rental Property |
Personal financial statement, rental property, source |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.1 |
Definitions |
TEC, organization, administration, definition |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.9 |
Computation of Time |
TEC, organization, administration, time, computation |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.21 |
Officers of the Commission |
TEC, organization, administration, officers, commissioners, chair, vice chair |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.23 |
Commission Staff |
TEC, organization, administration, executive director, general counsel |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.35 |
Called Meetings |
TEC, organization, administration, Commission meetings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.39 |
Meeting Agenda |
TEC, organization, administration, Commission meetings, agenda, presiding officer |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.43 |
Speakers Addressing The Commission |
TEC, organization, administration, Commission meetings, speaking at meeting |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.45 |
Order and Conduct of Commission Meeting |
TEC, organization, administration, Commission meetings, order, conduct |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
6.47 |
Recording of Meeting; Minutes |
TEC, organization, administration, Commission meetings, recording, meeting minutes |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.1 |
Notice |
Sworn Complaints, notice |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.2 |
Representation by Counsel |
Sworn Complaints, representation by counsel |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.3 |
Ex Parte Communications |
Sworn Complaints, ex parte communications |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.4 |
Agreements to be in Writing |
Sworn Complaints, agreements, writing |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.11 |
Deadline For Filing a Complaint |
Sworn Complaints, filing complaint, deadline |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.12 |
File Date for a Complaint |
Sworn Complaints, file date |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.13 |
Description of Violation |
Sworn Complaints, filing complaint, description of violation |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.14 |
Statement of Fact |
Sworn Complaints, filing complaint, statement of fact |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.15 |
Commission Initiated Complaint |
Sworn Complaints, commission initiated |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.21 |
Response to Notice of Complaint |
Sworn Complaints, response |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.22 |
Written Questions |
Sworn Complaints, respondent, written questions |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.23 |
Production of Documents During Preliminary Review |
Sworn Complaints, respondent, production of documents, preliminary review |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.24 |
Proposed Settlement Before Preliminary Review Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, settlement, propose, preliminary review hearing |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.25 |
Subpoenas Issued by Commission |
Sworn Complaints, subpoenas, commission |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.26 |
Subpoenas Issued by Counsel for the Respondent |
Sworn Complaints, subpoenas, respondent, counsel |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.31 |
Purpose and Effect of Motions |
Sworn Complaints, motions, purpose, effect |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.32 |
Required Form of Motions |
Sworn Complaints, motions, form |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.33 |
Certificate of Conference |
Sworn Complaints, motions, certificate of conference |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.34 |
Motion Deadlines |
Sworn Complaints, motions, deadlines |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.35 |
Method of Filing |
Sworn Complaints, motions, method of filing |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.36 |
Service of Documents |
Sworn Complaints, pleadings, motions, service |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.37 |
Non-conforming Documents |
Sworn Complaints, pleadings, motions, non-conforming documents |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.38 |
Amended and Supplemental Filings |
Sworn Complaints, pleadings, motions, amended filings, supplemental filings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.39 |
Application of this Subchapter |
Sworn Complaints, pleadings, motions, application of subchapter |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.41 |
Motion to Extend Time |
Sworn Complaints, motions, motion to extend time |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.42 |
Motion for Continuance |
Sworn Complaints, motions, motion for continuance |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.43 |
Motion to Dismiss |
Sworn Complaints, motions, motion to dismiss |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.44 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
Sworn Complaints, motions, motion for summary judgment |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.45 |
Motion for Sanctions |
Sworn Complaints, motions, motion for sanctions |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.51 |
Conduct and Decorum |
Sworn Complaints, hearings, conduct, decorum |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.52 |
Deliberations |
Sworn Complaints, hearings, deliberations |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.53 |
Record of Rulings |
Sworn Complaints, hearings, record of rulings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.61 |
Selection and Delegation of Presiding Officer |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, selection, delegation |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.62 |
Set Hearings |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, hearings, set hearings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.63 |
Consolidate or Sever Matters for Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, hearings, consolidate or sever matters |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.64 |
Conduct Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, hearings, conduct hearings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.65 |
Rule on Evidentiary Matters |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, hearings, rule on evidentiary matters |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.66 |
Sign Orders |
Sworn Complaints, presiding officer, sign orders |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.71 |
Notice of Preliminary Review Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, preliminary review hearings, notice |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.72 |
Preliminary Review Hearings |
Sworn Complaints, preliminary review hearings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.81 |
Order of Formal Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, order |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.82 |
Notice of Formal Hearing |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, notice |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.83 |
Formal Hearing: Venue |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, venue |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.84 |
Presentation by Parties |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, presentation by parties |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.85 |
Rules of Evidence |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, rules of evidence |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.86 |
Numbering of Exhibits |
Sworn Complaints, formal hearing, numbering exhibits |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.91 |
Agreed Resolutions |
Sworn Complaints, resolutions, agreed resolutions |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.92 |
Resolution of Technical or De Minimis Violations |
Sworn Complaints, resolutions, technical, de minimis violations |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.93 |
Default Proceedings |
Sworn Complaints, resolutions, default proceedings |
09/24/2024 |
10/27/2024 |
12.94 |
Final Orders after Formal Hearings |
Sworn Complaints, resolutions, final orders, formal hearings |
09/24/2024 |
09/25/2024 |
13.1 |
Referrals to Prosecuting Attorneys |
Sworn Complaints, criminal violations; criminal referrals; prosecuting attorney |
09/24/2024 |
01/01/2025 |
18.31 |
Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds |
Reporting thresholds, adjustments, campaign finance, personal financial disclosure, lobbying |
09/24/2024 |
09/25/2024 |
13.1 |
Referral to Prosecuting Attorney |
Candidate, campaign law violations, criminal violation, referral, prosecuting attorney |
06/18/2024 |
08/08/2024 |
26.1 |
Disclosure Statement |
Political advertising, disclosure statement, post, re-post, consideration |
Date Adopted |
Effective Date |
Section |
Rule Title |
Keywords |
12/18/2023 |
01/08/2024 |
18.10 |
Guidelines for Substantial Compliance for a Corrected/Amended 8-day Pre-election Report |
8-day pre-election reports, corrected reports, amended reports, substantial compliance, late fines |
12/18/2023 |
01/08/2024 |
18.11 |
REPEAL: Guidelines for Waiver or Reduction of a Late Fine for a Corrected/Amended 8-day Pre-election Report |
8-day pre-election reports, corrected reports, amended reports, substantial compliance, late fines |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
18.31 |
Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds |
Reporting thresholds, adjustments, campaign finance, personal financial disclosure, lobbying |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.62 |
Reporting Staff Reimbursement |
Campaign finance report, staff reimbursement, expenditures, personal funds |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.65 |
Reporting No Activity |
Campaign finance report, no activity |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.217 |
Modified Reporting |
Campaign treasurer appointment, candidates, modified reporting, pre-election reports, runoff reports |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.219 |
Contents of Candidate’s Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
Candidate, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.220 |
Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts |
Comptroller, SPAC, vendor, contributions |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.221 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates |
Candidates, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.275 |
Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders |
Local officeholder, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.279 |
Contents of Officeholder’s Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
Officeholder, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.301 |
Thresholds for Campaign Treasurer Appointment |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.303 |
Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.313 |
Converting to a General-Purpose Committee |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, converting, conversion |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.329 |
Modified Reporting |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, modified reporting, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.331 |
Contents of Specific-Purpose Committee Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.333 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Specific-Purpose Committees |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.401 |
Thresholds for Appointment of Campaign Treasurer by a General-Purpose Committee |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.405 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment for a General-Purpose Political Committee |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.431 |
Monthly Reporting |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, modified reporting, monthly reporting, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.433 |
Contents of General-Purpose Committee Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.434 |
Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, monthly filing, MPAC, alternate reporting requirements, contributions maintained |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.435 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain General-Purpose Committees |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions, expenditures |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.553 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment Not Required for County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures under Certain Amount |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, under threshold |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
20.555 |
County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures that Exceed Certain Amount |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
22.1 |
Certain Campaign Treasurer Appointments Required before Political Activity Begins |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
22.6 |
Reporting Direct Campaign Expenditures |
Direct campaign expenditures, campaign finance report, person |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
22.7 |
Contribution from Out-of-State Committee |
Out-of-state committee, contributions, candidate, officeholder, political committee |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
34.41 |
Expenditure Threshold |
Lobbyist, expenditure threshold, registration |
09/27/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
34.43 |
Compensation and Reimbursement Threshold |
Lobbyist, contribution threshold, registration |
06/28/2023 |
08/23/2023 |
18.13 |
Fine for a Late Report |
Campaign finance report, late report, speaker candidate |
06/28/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
18.21 |
Jurisdiction to Consider Waiver Request |
Campaign finance report, late report, waiver request, jurisdiction |
06/28/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
18.24 |
General Guidelines for Other Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Statutory Civil Penalties |
Campaign finance report, late report, waiver, reduction of civil penalty |
06/28/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
18.25 |
Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Certain Statutory Civil Penalties |
Campaign finance report, late report, waiver, reduction of civil penalty |
06/28/2023 |
01/01/2024 |
18.26 |
Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Other Statutory Civil Penalties in Excess of $500 |
Campaign finance report, late report, waiver, reduction of civil penalty, over $500 |
06/28/2023 |
08/23/2023 |
22.37 |
Virtual Currency Contributions |
Virtual currency, cryptocurrency, contributions, campaign finance report |
06/28/2023 |
08/23/2023 |
28.3 |
Termination of Candidacy |
Speaker candidate, candidacy, termination |
Date Adopted |
Effective Date |
Section |
Rule Title |
Keywords |
09/29/2022 |
10/20/2022 |
8.11 |
Reviewing and Processing of a Request |
Advisory Opinion; deadline to file; withdrawal; requestor |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
18.31 |
Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds |
Reporting thresholds, adjustments, campaign finance, personal financial disclosure, lobbying |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.62 |
Reporting Staff Reimbursement |
Campaign finance report, staff reimbursement, expenditures, personal funds |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.65 |
Reporting No Activity |
Campaign finance report, no activity |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.217 |
Modified Reporting |
Campaign treasurer appointment, candidates, modified reporting, pre-election reports, runoff reports |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.219 |
Contents of Candidate’s Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
Candidate, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.22 |
Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts |
Comptroller, SPAC, vendor, contributions |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.221 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates |
Candidates, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.275 |
Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders |
Local officeholder, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.279 |
Contents of Officeholder’s Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
Officeholder, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.301 |
Thresholds for Campaign Treasurer Appointment |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.303 |
Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.313 |
Converting to a General-Purpose Committee |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, converting, conversion |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.329 |
Modified Reporting |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, modified reporting, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.331 |
Contents of Specific-Purpose Committee Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.333 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Specific-Purpose Committees |
SPAC, specific-purpose political action committee, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.401 |
Thresholds for Appointment of Campaign Treasurer by a General-Purpose Committee |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.405 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment for a General-Purpose Political Committee |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.431 |
Monthly Reporting |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, modified reporting, monthly reporting, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.433 |
Contents of General-Purpose Committee Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.434 |
Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, monthly filing, MPAC, alternate reporting requirements, contributions maintained |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.435 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain General-Purpose Committees |
GPAC, general-purpose political action committee, special pre-election reports, daily reports, contributions, expenditures |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.553 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment Not Required for County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures under Certain Amount |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, under threshold |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
20.555 |
County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures that Exceed Certain Amount |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
22.1 |
Certain Campaign Treasurer Appointments Required before Political Activity Begins |
CEC, County executive committee, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
22.6 |
Reporting Direct Campaign Expenditures |
Direct campaign expenditures, campaign finance report, person |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
22.7 |
Contribution from Out-of-State Committee |
Out-of-state committee, contributions, candidate, officeholder, political committee |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
34.41 |
Expenditure Threshold |
Lobbyist, expenditure threshold, registration |
09/29/2022 |
01/01/2023 |
34.43 |
Compensation and Reimbursement Threshold |
Lobbyist, contribution threshold, registration |
Date Adopted |
Effective Date |
Section |
Rule Title |
Keywords |
December |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
18.31 |
Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds |
Reporting thresholds, adjustments, campaign finance, personal financial disclosure, lobbying |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.62 |
Reporting Staff Reimbursement |
Campaign finance report, staff reimbursement, expenditures, personal funds |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.65 |
Reporting No Activity |
Campaign finance report, no activity |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.217 |
Modified Reporting |
Campaign treasurer appointment, candidates, modified reporting, pre-election reports, runoff reports |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.220 |
Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts |
Comptroller, SPAC, vendor, contributions |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.221 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates |
Special pre-election reports, daily reports, candidates, contributions |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.275 |
Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders |
Local officeholder, campaign finance report, contributions, expenditures |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.301 |
Thresholds for Campaign Treasurer Appointment |
SPAC, specific purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.303 |
Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer |
SPAC, specific purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.313 |
Converting to a General-Purpose Committee |
SPAC, specific purpose political action committee, GPAC, general purpose political action committee, converting, conversion |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.329 |
Modified Reporting |
SPAC, specific purpose political action committee, modified reporting, contributions, expenditures |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.333 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Specific-Purpose Committees |
Special pre-election reports, daily reports, SPAC, specific purpose political action committee, contributions |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.401 |
Thresholds for Appointment of Campaign Treasurer by a General-Purpose Committee |
GPAC, general purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment, contributions, expenditures |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.405 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment for a General-Purpose Political Committee |
GPAC, general purpose political action committee, treasurer appointment |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.434 |
Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees |
GPAC, general purpose political action committee, monthly filing, MPAC, alternate reporting requirements, contributions maintained |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.435 |
Special Pre-Election Report by Certain General-Purpose Committees |
Special pre-election reports, daily reports, GPAC, general purpose political action committee, contributions, expenditures |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.553 |
Campaign Treasurer Appointment Not Required for County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures under Certain Amount |
County executive committee, CEC, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, under threshold |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
20.555 |
County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures that Exceed Certain Amount |
County executive committee, CEC, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
22.1 |
Certain Campaign Treasurer Appointments Required before Political Activity Begins |
County executive committee, CEC, campaign treasurer appointment, contributions expenditures, exceed threshold |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
22.6 |
Reporting Direct Campaign Expenditures |
Direct campaign expenditures, campaign finance report, person |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
22.7 |
Contribution from Out-of-State Committee |
Out-of-state committee, contributions, candidate, officeholder, political committee |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
34.41 |
Expenditure Threshold |
Lobbyist, expenditure threshold, registration |
12/09/2021 |
01/04/2022 |
34.43 |
Compensation and Reimbursement Threshold |
Lobbyist, expenditure threshold, registration |
September |
09/01/2021 |
09/22/2021 |
18.17 |
Reports Must be Filed |
Reports, deceased filers, incapacitated filers |
09/01/2021 |
09/22/2021 |
34.82 |
Modified Reporting Threshold |
Lobbyists, Activity Reports, mass media communications |
June |
06/17/2021 |
07/06/2021 |
18.23 |
Administrative Waiver of Fine |
Reports, late reports, waiver |
06/17/2021 |
07/06/2021 |
18.24 |
General Guidelines for Other Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Statutory Civil Penalties |
Reports, late reports, waiver, appeals, civil penalties |
06/17/2021 |
07/06/2021 |
18.25 |
Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Certain Statutory Civil Penalties |
Reports, late reports, waiver, appeals, civil penalties |
06/17/2021 |
07/06/2021 |
18.26 |
Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Other Statutory Civil Penalties in Excess of $500 |
Reports, late reports, waiver, appeals, civil penalties |
06/17/2021 |
07/06/2021 |
20.1 |
Definitions |
Political advertising; text messages |
March |
03/12/2021 |
04/20/2021 |
18.15 |
Additional Fine |
Reports, late reports, higher fine |
03/12/2021 |
04/20/2021 |
20.434 |
Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees |
GPACs, general-purpose political action committees, higher threshold for reporting itemized contributions |