At its March 30, 2017, meeting, the Texas Ethics Commission voted to propose amendments to Texas Ethics Commission Rules §§ 6.21, 20.1, and 20.61, and new Commission Rules § 20.56.
The Commission invites public comment on the proposals. A written statement should be emailed to, or mailed or delivered to Seana Willing, Texas Ethics Commission, P.O. Box 12070, Austin, Texas 78711-2070, or sent by facsimile (FAX) to (512) 463-5777. A person who wants to offer spoken comments to the Commission concerning a proposed rule may do so during the public comment period at any Commission meeting when the Commission considers the proposed rule. Information concerning the time and location of Commission meetings is available at
§ 6.21. Officers of the Commission.
Text of Proposed Rule
§ 20.1. Definitions.
Text of Proposed Rule
§ 20.56. Expenditures Involving Consultants.
Text of Proposed Rule
§ 20.61. Purpose of Expenditure.
Text of Proposed Rule
§ 6.21. Officers of the Commission.
Text of Proposed Rule
The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted language is indicated by [strikethrough] text.
§ 6.21. Officers of the Commission.
(a) The commission shall select a presiding officer and a vice-presiding officer.
(b) Commission officers are elected annually by majority vote of the commission. The election shall take place at the first commission meeting held [scheduled] after June 1 [November 19] of each year. Each officer shall serve until his or her successor is selected.
(c) The presiding officer and the vice-presiding officer shall be elected from different political party caucus lists.
(d) The presiding officer may be re-elected; however, if a new presiding officer is elected it should be from a different political party caucus list than the former presiding officer.
(e) [(c)] The presiding officer shall preside at all meetings of the commission. While presiding, the presiding officer shall direct the order of the meeting, appoint committees [subcommittees] and persons to chair committees, [subcommittees,] recognize persons to be heard at hearings, set reasonable and necessary time limits for speakers, and take other actions to clarify issues and preserve order. When the presiding officer is absent, the vice-presiding officer shall perform all duties of the presiding officer.
(1) Sign previously approved subpoenas and orders;
(2) Schedule hearings and meetings;
(3) Timely respond to litigation matters on behalf of the commission when action is required before the next scheduled meeting and is within the scope of the authorization granted by the commission; and
(4) Respond to matters on behalf of the commission when action is required and is within the scope of the authorization granted by the commission.
§ 20.1. Definitions.
Text of Proposed Rule
The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
§ 20.1. Definitions.
The following words and terms, when used in Title 15 of the Election Code, in this chapter, Chapter 22 of this title (relating to Restrictions on Contributions and Expenditures), and Chapter 24 of this title (relating to Restrictions on Contributions and Expenditures Applicable to Corporations and Labor Organizations), shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) – (23) (No change.)
(24) Vendor--Any person providing goods or services to a candidate, officeholder, political committee, or other filer under this chapter. The term does not include an employee of the candidate, officeholder, political committee, or other filer.
§ 20.56. Expenditures to Vendors.
Text of Proposed Rule
The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
§ 20.56. Expenditures to Vendors.
(a) A political expenditure made by a vendor for a candidate, officeholder, political committee, or other filer, with the intent to seek reimbursement from the filer, shall be reported by the filer in accordance with this chapter as though the filer made the expenditure directly.
(b) A vendor of a candidate, officeholder, or specific-purpose committee for supporting a candidate or assisting an officeholder may not, in providing goods or services for the candidate, officeholder, or committee, make an expenditure that, if made by the candidate, officeholder, or committee, would be prohibited by Sections 253.035, 253.038, or 253.041, Election Code.
(c) A candidate, officeholder, or specific-purpose committee for supporting a candidate or assisting an officeholder may not use political contributions to pay or reimburse a vendor for an expenditure that, if made by the candidate, officeholder, or committee, would be prohibited by Sections 253.035, 253.038, or 253.041, Election Code.
§ 20.61. Purpose of Expendituress.
Text of Proposed Rule
The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted language is indicated by [strikethrough] text.
§ 20.61. Purpose of Expenditure.
(a) For reporting required under §254.031 of the Election Code, the purpose of an expenditure means:
(1) A description of the category of goods, services, or other thing of value for which an expenditure is made. Examples of acceptable categories include:
(A) advertising expense;
(B) accounting/banking;
(C) consulting expense;
(D) contributions/donations made by candidate/officeholder/political committee;
(E) event expense;
(F) fees;
(G) food/beverage expense;
(H) gifts/awards/memorials expense;
(I) legal services;
(J) loan repayment/reimbursement;
(K) office overhead/rental expense;
(L) polling expense;
(M) printing expense;
(N) salaries/wages/contract labor;
(O) solicitation/fundraising expense;
(P) transportation equipment and related expense;
(Q) travel in district;
(R) travel out of district;
(S) other political expenditures; and
(2) A brief statement or description of the candidate, officeholder, or political committee activity that is conducted by making the expenditure and an additional indication if the expenditure is an officeholder expenditure for living in Austin, Texas. The brief statement or description must include the item or service purchased and must be sufficiently specific, when considered within the context of the description of the category, to make the reason for the expenditure clear. Merely disclosing the category of goods, services, or other thing of value for which the expenditure is made does not adequately describe the purpose of an expenditure.
(3) For purposes of this section, “consulting” means advice and strategy. “Consulting” does not include providing other goods or services, including without limitation media production, voter contact, or political advertising.
(b) An expenditure other than a reimbursement to a person, including a vendor, for more than one type of good or service must be reported by the filer as separate expenditures for each type of good or service provided by the person in accordance with this rule.
(c)[(b)] The description of a political expenditure for travel outside of the state of Texas must provide the following:
(1) The name of the person or persons traveling on whose behalf the expenditure was made;
(2) The means of transportation;
(3) The name of the departure city or the name of each departure location;
(4) The name of the destination city or the name of each destination location;
(5) The dates on which the travel occurred; and
(6) The campaign or officeholder purpose of the travel, including the name of a conference, seminar, or other event.
(d)[(c)] Except as provided by subsection (e)[(d)] of this section, this rule applies to expenditures made on or after July 1, 2010.
(e)[(d)] The requirement to include an additional indication if an expenditure is an officeholder expenditure for living in Austin, Texas, applies to an expenditure made on or after July 1, 2014.
(f)[(e)] Comments:
The purpose of an expenditure must include both a description of the category of goods or services received in exchange for the expenditure and a brief statement or description of the candidate, officeholder, or political committee activity that is conducted by making the expenditure. A description of an expenditure that merely states the item or service purchased is not adequate because doing so does not allow a person reading the report to know the allowable activity for which an expenditure was made.
The following is a list of examples that describe how the purpose of an expenditure may be reported under section 20.61. This list is for illustrative purposes only. It is intended to provide helpful information and to assist filers in reporting the purpose of an expenditure under this rule. However, it is not, and is not intended to be, an exhaustive or an exclusive list of how a filer may permissibly report the purpose of an expenditure under this rule. The rule does not require the candidate or officeholder to identify by name or affiliation an individual or group with whom the candidate or officeholder meets.
(1) Example: Candidate X is seeking the office of State Representative, District 2000. She purchases an airline ticket from ABC Airlines to attend a campaign rally within District 2000. The acceptable category for this expenditure is “travel in district.” The candidate activity that is accomplished by making the expenditure is to attend a campaign rally. An acceptable brief statement is “airline ticket to attend campaign event.”
(2) Example: Candidate X purchases an airline ticket to attend a campaign event outside of District 2000 but within Texas, the acceptable category is “travel out of district.” The candidate activity that is accomplished by making the expenditure is to attend a campaign event. An acceptable brief statement is “airline ticket to attend campaign or officeholder event.”
(3) Example: Candidate X purchases an airline ticket to attend an officeholder related seminar outside of Texas. The acceptable method for the purpose of this expenditure is by selecting the “travel out of district” category and completing the “Schedule T” (used to report travel outside of Texas).
(4) Example: Candidate X contracts with an individual to do various campaign related tasks such as work on a campaign phone bank, sign distribution, and staffing the office. The acceptable category is “salaries/wages/contract labor.” The candidate activity that is accomplished by making the expenditure is to compensate an individual working on the campaign. An acceptable brief statement is “contract labor for campaign services.”
(5) Example: Officeholder X is seeking re-election and makes an expenditure to purchase a vehicle to use for campaign purposes and permissible officeholder purposes. The acceptable category is “transportation equipment and related expenses” and an acceptable brief description is “purchase of campaign/officeholder vehicle.”
(6) Example: Candidate X makes an expenditure to repair a flat tire on a campaign vehicle purchased with political funds. The acceptable category is “transportation equipment and related expenses” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign vehicle repairs.”
(7) Example: Officeholder X purchases flowers for a constituent. The acceptable category is “gifts/awards/memorials expense” and an acceptable brief description is “flowers for constituent.”
(8) Example: Political Committee XYZ makes a political contribution to Candidate X. The acceptable category is “contributions/donations made by candidate/officeholder/political committee” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign contribution.”
(9) Example: Candidate X makes an expenditure for a filing fee to get his name on the ballot. The acceptable category is “fees” and an acceptable brief description is “candidate filing fee.”
(10) Example: Officeholder X makes an expenditure to attend a seminar related to performing a duty or engaging in an activity in connection with the office. The acceptable category is “fees” and an acceptable brief description is “attend officeholder seminar.”
(11) Example: Candidate X makes an expenditure for political advertising to be broadcast by radio. The acceptable category is “advertising expense” and an acceptable brief description is “political advertising.” Similarly, Candidate X makes an expenditure for political advertising to appear in a newspaper. The acceptable category is “advertising expense” and an acceptable brief description is “political advertising.”
(12) Example: Officeholder X makes expenditures for printing and postage to mail a letter to all of her constituents, thanking them for their participation during the legislative session. Acceptable categories are “advertising expense” OR “printing expense” and an acceptable brief description is “letter to constituents.”
(13) Example: Officeholder X makes an expenditure to pay the campaign office electric bill. The acceptable category is “office overhead/rental expense” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign office electric bill.”
(14) Example: Officeholder X makes an expenditure to purchase paper, postage, and other supplies for the campaign office. The acceptable category is “office overhead/rental expense” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign office supplies.”
(15) Example: Officeholder X makes an expenditure to pay the campaign office monthly rent. The acceptable category is “office overhead/rental expense” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign office rent.”
(16) Example: Candidate X hires a consultant for fundraising services. The acceptable category is “consulting expense” and an acceptable brief description is “campaign services.”
(17) Example: Candidate/Officeholder X pays his attorney for legal fees related to either campaign matters or officeholder matters. The acceptable category is “legal services” and an acceptable brief description is “legal fees for campaign” or “for officeholder matters.”
(18) Example: Candidate/Officeholder X makes food and beverage expenditures for a meeting with her constituents. The acceptable category is “food/beverage expense” and an acceptable brief statement is “meeting with constituents.”
(19) Example: Candidate X makes food and beverage expenditures for a meeting to discuss candidate issues. The acceptable category is “food/beverage expense” and an acceptable brief statement is “meeting to discuss campaign issues.”
(20) Example: Officeholder X makes food and beverage expenditures for a meeting to discuss officeholder issues. The acceptable category is “food/beverage expense” and an acceptable brief statement is “meeting to discuss officeholder issues.”
(21) Example: Candidate/Officeholder X makes food and beverage expenditures for a meeting to discuss campaign and officeholder issues. The acceptable category is “food/beverage expense” and an acceptable brief statement is “meeting to discuss campaign/officeholder issues.”