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At its September 2021, meeting, the Texas Ethics Commission voted to propose the following new and amended rules: §§18.31, 20.62, 20.65, 20.217, 20.220, 20.221, 20.275, 20.301, 20.303, 20.313, 20.329, 20.333, 20.401, 20.405, 20.434, 20.435, 20.553, 20.555, 22.1, 22.7, 22.37, 34.41, and 34.43. The text of the proposed amended rules is located below.

§18.31. Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.62. Reporting Staff Reimbursement.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.65. Reporting No Activity.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.217. Modified Reporting.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.220. Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.221. Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.275. Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.301. Thresholds for Campaign Treasurer Appointment.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.303. Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.313. Converting to a General-Purpose Committee.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.329. Modified Reporting.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.333. Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Specific-Purpose Committees.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.401. Thresholds for Appointment of Campaign Treasurer by a General-Purpose Committee.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.405. Campaign Treasurer Appointment for a General-Purpose Committee.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.434. Alternate Reporting Requirements for General-Purpose Committees.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.435. Special Pre-Election Report by Certain General-Purpose Committees.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.553. Campaign Treasurer Appointment Not Required for County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures under Certain Amount.
Text of Proposed Rule

§20.555. County Executive Committee Accepting Contributions or Making Expenditures that Exceed Certain Amount.
Text of Proposed Rule

§22.1. Certain Campaign Treasurer Appointments Required before Political Activity Begins.
Text of Proposed Rule

§22.7. Contribution from Out-of-State Committee.
Text of Proposed Rule

§22.37. Cryptocurrency Contributions.
Text of Proposed Rule

§34.41. Expenditure Threshold.
Text of Proposed Rule

§34.43. Compensation and Reimbursement Threshold.
Text of Proposed Rule


§18.31. Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.


§18.31. Adjustments to Reporting Thresholds.

(a) Pursuant to section 571.064 of the Government Code, the reporting thresholds are adjusted as follows:

Campaign Finance Reports: Section of Election Code

Threshold Description

Original Threshold Amount

Adjusted Amount


PAC: Amount of contributions or expenditures permitted before TA is requiredThe amount of political contributions or political expenditures permitted by a political committee before a campaigntreasurer appointment is required


$920 [$910]


CEC: Amount of contributions or expenditures permitted before TA is requiredThe amount of political contributions or political expenditures permitted by a county executive party of a political party before a campaign treasurer appointment is required


$34,220 [$33,750]


Contribution by Out-of-state PAC: Threshold above which certain paperwork is requiredThreshold of contributions accepted from an out-of-state political committee above which a certain written statement or a statement of organization is required


$940 [$930]


Contribution to Out-of-state PAC: Threshold above which certain contribution information is requiredThreshold of contributions to an out-of-state political committee above which certain information regarding contributions must be included in the written statement required under section 253.032(a), Election Code




Contribution by Out-of-state PAC: Threshold at or below which certain information is requiredThreshold of contributions accepted from an out-of-state political committee at or below which certain information or a statement of organization must be included in a report


$940 [$930]


Contributions: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which contributor information is required to be reported




Loans: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which lender information is required to be reported




Expenditures: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which information on the payee of a political expenditure is required to be reported




Contributions: Threshold at or below which more information is not requiredThreshold below which contributor information is not required to be reported




Expenditures: Threshold at or below which more information is not requiredThreshold below which payee information is not required to be reported




Interest, credits, refunds: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which the source of any credit, interest, return of deposit fee from political contributions or asset is required to be reported




Sale of political assets: Threshold over which proceeds must be reported Threshold at which the proceeds from sale of a political asset is required to be reported




Investment Gain: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which any gain from an investment purchased with political contributions is required to be reported




Contribution Gain: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which any other gain from political contribution is required to be reported




Caucus, contributions from non-caucus members: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which contributor information for contributions from non-caucus members is required to be reported by a caucus




Caucus, loans: Threshold over which more information is required Threshold at which lender information is required to be reported by a caucus




Caucus, expenditures: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which payee information for expenditures is required to be reported by a caucus




Threshold below which payee information for expenditures is not required to be reported by a caucus




Caucus, contributions and expenditures: Threshold at or below which more information is not requiredThreshold below which contributor and payee information is not required to be reported by a caucus




Contributions, Best Efforts: Threshold under which filer is not required to request contributor information to be in complianceThreshold at which the best efforts rule requires one to make a written or oral request for contributor information in order to be considered in compliance when contributor information is missing


$720 [$710]


Electronic Filing Exemption: Threshold at or below which a filer may qualifyThreshold of political contributions and political expenditures below which a filer qualifies for the electronic filing exemption, if certain conditions are met


$28,800 [$28,420]


Daily Reports by certain candidates and PACs: Contribution threshold triggering reportContribution threshold triggering a Special Report Near Election by Certain Candidates and Political Committees during the 9 days before election


$1,890 [$1,860]


Daily Reports by GPACs: Contribution threshold triggering reportContribution threshold triggering Special Report Near Election by GPACs during the 9 days before election


$6,450 [$6,370]


Daily reports by GPACs: DCE expenditure thresholds (single candidate/group of candidates)Direct Campaign expenditure thresholds triggering Special Report Near Election by GPACs ($1,000 for single candidate or $15,000 for group of candidates) during the 9 days before election




Judicial candidates, contributions: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which principal occupation/employer information for contributors to judicial filers is required to be reported




Judicial candidates, asset purchase: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which the disclosure of an asset purchased with political contributions is required to be reported by judicial filers


$940 [$930]


Statewide executive and legislative candidates, contributions: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which principal occupation/employer information for contributors to statewide executive and legislative candidates is required to be reported


$940 [$930]


Local officeholders, contributions: Threshold over which reporting is not requiredThreshold of political contributions or political contributions below which a report is not required for officeholders who do not file with the Commission, unless also a candidate


$940 [$930]


GPAC, contributions: Threshold over which more information is requiredThreshold at which the principal occupation for GPAC contributors is required to be reported




GPAC, higher itemization threshold: Threshold under which it appliesThreshold of political contributions and political expenditures below which a GPAC has a $100 contribution itemization threshold, rather than $50


$27,380 [$27,000]


GPACs that meet higher itemization threshold: Threshold over which more contributor information is requiredContribution reporting threshold for GPACs qualifying under section 254.1541 set to $100




MPAC: Threshold over which contribution, lender and expenditure information is requiredThreshold at which contributor, lender, and payee information is required for a political contribution, loan, or expenditure, respectively, to an MPAC




MPACs that meet higher itemization threshold: Threshold over which more contributor information is requiredThreshold at which contribution information for MPACs qualifying under section 254.1541 is set to $20



254.181, 254.182, 254.183

Candidate or SPACs, modified reporting: Contribution or expenditure threshold at or below which filers may avoid pre-election reportsThreshold of political contributions and political expenditures below which a candidate or SPAC may elect to avoid acertain pre-election filing requirements (modified reporting)


$940 [$930]


DCE filers: Threshold over which a report must be filedThreshold at which a person making direct campaign expenditures in an election must disclose the expenditures, including payee information



Lobby Registrations and Reports: Section of Government Code

Threshold Description

Original Threshold Amount

Adjusted Amount


Lobbyist, expenditures: Threshold over which registration is required Threshold of expenditures over which a person must register as a lobbyist

$500, by 1 Tex. Admin. Code §34.41

$820 [$810]


Lobbyist, compensation: Threshold over which registration is requiredThreshold of compensation or reimbursement over which a person must register as a lobbyist

$1,000, by 1 Tex. Admin. Code §34.43

$1,640 [$1,620]


Lobbying for political party: Threshold at or below which registration is not requiredThreshold of expenditures and compensation below which a person lobbying on behalf of political party is excepted from the requirement to register as a lobbyist


$9,440 [$9,320]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdThreshold of category to report compensation less than $10,000


Less than $18,890 [$18,630]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $10,000 but less than $25,000


$18,890 to less than $47,220 [$46,580]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $25,000 but less than $50,000


$47,220 to less than $94,440 [$93,150]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $50,000 but less than $100,000


$94,440 to less than $188,890 [$186,300]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $100,000 but less than $150,000


$188,890 to less than $283,330 [$279,450]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $150,000 but less than $200,000


$283,330 to less than $377,770 [$372,600]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $200,000 but less than $250,000


$377,770 to less than $472,220 [$465,750]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $250,000 but less than $300,000


$472,220 to less than $566,660 [$558,900]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $300,000 but less than $350,000


$566,660 to less than $661,100 [$745,200]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $350,000 but less than $400,000


$661,100 to less than $755,540 [$745,200]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $400,000 but less than $450,000


$755,540 to less than $849,990 [$838,350]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdUpper threshold of category to report compensation of at least $450,000 but less than $500,000


$849,990 to less than $944,430 [$931,500]


Lobbyist: Compensation thresholdThreshold of compensation or reimbursement at which a registrant must report the exact amount


$944,430 or more [$931,500]


Lobbyist, legislative/executive branch member: Threshold over which gifts, awards and mementos must be disclosedThreshold over which the name of a legislator who is the recipient of a gift, a description of the gift, and amount of the gift is required to be disclosed




Lobbyist, food and beverage: Threshold at or below which it is considered a gift and reported as such Threshold below which an expenditure for food or beverages is considered a gift and reported as such




Lobbyist, annual filer: Expenditure threshold at or below which filer may file annuallyThreshold of expenditures below which a registrant may file lobby activities reports annually instead of monthly


$1,890 [$1,860]

Personal Financial Statements: Section of Gov't Code

Threshold Description

Original Threshold Amount

Adjusted Amount


PFS thresholdThreshold of category to report an amount less than $5,000

less than $5,000

less than $9,440 [$9,320]


PFS thresholdThreshold of category to report an amount of at least $5,000 but less than $10,000

$5,000 to less than $10,000

$9,440 [$9,320] to less than $18,890 [$18,630]


PFS thresholdThreshold of category to report an amount of at least $10,000 but less than $25,000

$10,000 to less than $25,000

$18,890 [$18,630] to less than $47,220 [$46,580]


PFS thresholdThreshold of category to report an amount of at least $25,000 or more

$25,000 or more

$47,220 [$46,580] or more

572.005, 572.023(b)(1)

PFS, retainer: Threshold over which filer with a substantial interest in a business entity must report more informationThreshold to disclose the source and category of amount of retainer received by a business entity in which the filer has a substantial interest; section 572.005 defines substantial interest, in part, as owning over $25,000 of the fair market value of the business entity


$47,220 [$46,580]


PFS, interest, dividends, royalties and rents: Threshold over which information must be reportedThreshold over which income from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents is required to be reported


$940 [$930]


PFS, loans: Threshold over which information must be reportedThreshold over which the identity of each loan guarantor and person to whom filer owes liability on a personal note or lease agreement is required to be reported


$1,890 [$1,860]


PFS, gifts: Threshold over which information must be reportedThreshold of value over which the identity of the source of a gift and a gift description is required to be reported




PFS, income from trust: Threshold over which information must be reportedThreshold over which the source and amount of income received as beneficiary of a trust asset is required to be reported


$940 [$930]


PFS, government contracts: Threshold of aggregate over which more information must be reportedif aggregate cost of goods or services sold under contracts exceeds $10,000, PFS must identify each contract, and name of each party, with a governmental entity for sale of goods or services in amount of $2,500 or more

Exceeds $10,000

Exceeds $10,370 [$10,220]


PFS, government contracts: Itemization thresholditemization under (15) of contracts for sale of goods or services in the amount of $2,500 or more to governmental entities $2,500 or more $2,590 [$2,560] or more


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to legislator: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to legislator

less than $5,000

less than $5,180 [$5,110]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to legislator: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to legislator

at least $5,000 but less than $10,000

at least $5,180 [$5,110] but less than $10,370 [[$10,220]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to legislator: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to legislator

at least $10,000 but less than $25,000

at least $10,370 [$10,220] but less than $25,920 [$25,550]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to legislator: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to legislator

$25,000 or more

$25,920 [$25,550] or more


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to individual’s firm: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to individual's firm

less than $5,000

less than $5,180 [$5,110]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to individual’s firm: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to individual's firm

at least $5,000 but less than $10,000

at least $5,180 [$5,110] but less than $10,370 [$10,220]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to individual’s firm: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to individual's firm

at least $10,000 but less than $25,000

at least $10,370 [$10,220] but less than $25,920 [$25,550]


PFS, bond counsel fees paid to individual’s firm: Thresholdcategory of amount of bound counsel fees paid to individual's firm

$25,000 or more

$25,920 [$25,550] or more

Speaker Election and Certain Ceremonial Reports: Section of Government Code

Threshold Type

Current Threshold Amount

Adjusted Amount


Speaker: Expenditures over which more information must be reportedExpenditure of campaign funds over $10 must be disclosed, including payee's name and address and the purpose



303.005(a)(1) – (10)

Governor for a Day/Speaker’s Day: Threshold over which more information must be reportedThresholds applicable to contribution and expenditure disclosure requirements for a governor for a day or speaker’s reunion day ceremony report



(b) The changes made by this rule apply only to conduct occurring on or after the effective date of this rule.

(c) The effective date of this rule is January 1, 2022 [1].

(d) In this section:

§20.62. Reporting Staff Reimbursement.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.62. Reporting Staff Reimbursement.

(a) Political expenditures made out of personal funds by a staff member of an officeholder, a candidate, or a political committee with the intent to seek reimbursement from the officeholder, candidate, or political committee that in the aggregate do not exceed $6,450 [$6,370] during the reporting period may be reported as follows IF the reimbursement occurs during the same reporting period that the initial expenditure was made:

(b) Except as provided by subsection (a) of this section, a political expenditure made out of personal funds by a staff member of an officeholder, a candidate, or a political committee with the intent to seek reimbursement from the officeholder, candidate, or political committee must be reported as follows:

§20.65. Reporting Staff Reimbursement.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.65. Reporting No Activity.

(a) As a general rule, a candidate or officeholder must file a report required by Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Reporting Requirements for a Candidate) or Subchapter D of this chapter (relating to Reporting Requirements for an Officeholder Who Does Not Have a Campaign Treasurer Appointment on File) even if there has been no reportable activity during the period covered by the report.

(b) This general rule does not apply to:

(c) If a required report will disclose that there has been no reportable activity during the reporting period, the filer shall submit only those pages of the report necessary to identify the filer and to swear to the lack of reportable activity.

§20.217. Modified Reporting.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.217. Modified Reporting.

(a) An opposed candidate who does not intend to accept more than $940 [$930] in political contributions or make more than $940 [$930] in political expenditures (excluding filing fees) in connection with any election in an election cycle may choose to file under the modified schedule.

(b) Under the modified schedule, an opposed candidate is not required to file pre-election reports or a runoff report.

(c) To select modified filing, a candidate must file a declaration of intent not to accept more than $940 [$930] in political contributions or make more than $940 [$930] in political expenditures (excluding filing fees) in connection with the election. The declaration must include a statement that the candidate understands that if either one of those limits is exceeded, the candidate will be required to file pre-election reports and, if necessary, a runoff report.

(d) A declaration under subsection (c) of this section is filed with the candidate's campaign treasurer appointment.

(e) To file under the modified schedule, a candidate must file the declaration required under subsection (c) of this section no later than the 30th day before the first election to which the declaration applies. A declaration filed under subsection (c) of this section is valid for one election cycle only.

(f) If an opposed candidate exceeds either of the $940 [$930] limits, the candidate must file reports under §20.213 of this title (relating to Pre-election Reports) and §20.215 of this title (relating to Runoff Report).

(g) If an opposed candidate exceeds either of the $940 [$930] limits after the 30th day before the election, the candidate must file a report not later than 48 hours after exceeding the limit. If this is the candidate's first report filed, the report covers a period that begins on the day the candidate's campaign treasurer appointment was filed. Otherwise the period begins on the first day after the period covered by the last report required by this subchapter (other than a special pre-election report or a special session report) or Subchapter D of this chapter (relating to Reporting Requirements for an Officeholder Who Does Not Have a Campaign Treasurer Appointment on File). The period covered by the report continues through the day the candidate exceeded one of the limits for modified reporting.

§20.220. Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.220. Additional Disclosure for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

(a) For purposes of this section and §2155.003(e) of the Government Code, the term "vendor" means:

(b) Each report filed by the comptroller or a specific-purpose committee created to support the comptroller, shall include:

(c) The comptroller, or a specific-purpose committee created to support the comptroller, is considered to be in compliance with this section if:

(d) The comptroller, or a specific-purpose committee created to support the comptroller, must report the information required by subsection (b) of this section that is not provided by the person making the political contribution and that is in the comptroller's or committee's records of political contributions or previous campaign finance reports required to be filed under Title 15 of the Election Code filed by the comptroller or committee.

(e) If the comptroller, or a specific-purpose committee created to support the comptroller, receives the information required by this section after the filing deadline for the report on which the contribution is reported the comptroller or committee must include the missing information on the next required campaign finance report.

(f) The disclosure required under subsection (b) of this section applies only to a contributor who was a vendor or a political committee directly established, administered, or controlled by a vendor on or after September 1, 2007.

§20.221. Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.221. Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates.

(a) As provided by subsection (b) of this section, certain candidates must file reports about certain contributions accepted during the period that begins on the ninth day before an election and ends at noon on the day before an election. Reports under this section are known as "special pre-election" reports.

(b) An opposed candidate for an office specified by §252.005(1), Election Code, who, during the period described in subsection (a) of this section, accepts one or more political contributions from a person that in the aggregate exceed $1,890 [$1,860] must file special pre-election reports.

(c) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, a candidate must file a special pre-election report so that the report is received by the commission no later than the first business day after the candidate accepts a contribution from a person that triggers the requirement to file the special pre-election report.

(d) If, during the reporting period for special pre-election contributions, a candidate receives additional contributions from a person whose previous contribution or contributions have triggered the requirement to file a special pre-election report during that period, the candidate must file an additional special pre-election report for each such contribution. Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, each such special pre-election report must be filed so that it is received by the commission no later than the first business day after the candidate accepts the contribution.

(e) A candidate must file a special pre-election report that is exempt from electronic filing under §254.036(c), Election Code, so that the report is received by the commission no later than 5 p.m. of the first business day after the candidate accepts a contribution from a person that triggers the requirement to file the special pre-election report.

(f) A candidate must file a special pre-election report for each person whose contribution or contributions made during the period for special pre-election reports exceed the threshold for special pre-election reports.

(g) A candidate must also report contributions reported on a special pre-election report on the next semiannual, pre-election, or runoff report filed, as applicable.

§20.275. Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§20.275. Exception from Filing Requirement for Certain Local Officeholders.

An officeholder is not required to file a semiannual report of contributions and expenditures if the officeholder: